Tuesday, May 30, 2006


What are you going to make yourself believe?

You world, everything you thought you knew, has turned upside down. As you pace in this room that used to be the summation of everything you believed and hoped for, you must decide.

What are you going to make yourself believe?

The truth: you have been lied to by the man you considered to be your best friend.

What you want to believe: you knew all along, it's for the best, this is the way it's supposed the be. The only way it can be.

He is your friend. Nothing can convince you otherwise. But that light of reality must compete with the knowledge that he is the heir to what you thought was the most evil dynasty in the galaxy.

What are you going to make yourself believe?

The truth: your wife has committed herself to the cause of bringing down a tyrant bent on ruling the galaxy.

What you want to believe: your wife has inadvertently committed treason because she was mistaken when she believed that he was evil.

You know he desires to rule the galaxy. You know this, but you want to believe he will give it up. You have to believe this or what little sanity you have left will shatter.

What are you going to make yourself believe?

The truth: your family and friends are even now trying desperately to keep their lives.

What you want to believe: that there is no danger for them, they have never been your friends, they deserve what is coming to them, that this is the way it must be.

Even now, you can feel your hatred and fear for them duelling within you. They are Obi-Wan's family, not yours, yet you feel you must do something for them. But then you remember the cool glances of the Council, and hatred gains the upper hand.

What are you going to make yourself believe?

The truth: the thing you feared most, what drove you to the dark side to prevent, you will do.

What you want to believe: you will not kill your wife. You will not kill Padmé Amidala.

You don't want to believe it. This is the vision that stares back at you, your fear conquering your hatred and then morphing into it, the dragon reborn. You know what you have to do, and what you will do, but you do not want to believe it.

But you know the truth. And there is no believing anything else.

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